Your Pattern Game Is Weak (And We Can Fix That)

Your Pattern Game Is Weak (And We Can Fix That)

Remember when your idea of "getting adventurous" with patterns was choosing a different shade of blue stripes?

We see you.

Here's the thing about patterns: they're like craft beer. You don't start with a triple-hopped IPA, and you shouldn't start with that wild Hawaiian print either. Build up to it.

Quick Tips for Pattern Rookies:

  • Start with subtle. Think "whisper," not "shout"
  • Wear it with confidence (fake it till you make it)
  • If someone says "that's... interesting," you've gone too far
  • When in doubt, let the pattern be the loudest thing you're wearing















The secret? Great patterns are like great jokes - timing and delivery matter.

Save the learning curve for your Peloton, not your Friday night outfit.

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